AWills: I have a Will made in England, does it cover Malta

I have a will made in England, should we die in Malta, does the English will stay in force or do we need a new will for Malta

i would suggest on the basis of Malta is  tad quirky where inheritance etc is involved  - i would get a notary to do a will solely for  Maltas assets and cash holdings, it will get lodged with the registry and its very cheap  - we had mirror wills done for €80

I would look into that if I was you to be honest

You need a new will for Malta and legal advice as Maltese laws on inheritance are not the same as the UK.

There are a few other things that you should consider as well.

Joint accounts in Maltese banks are frozen immediately on the death of one of the account holders.
Ensure that you have sufficient money in separate accounts to carry you over for at least 3 months.

There is currently no cremation in Malta so you will need to employ a local funeral director to either arrange return of body to the UK , internment in Malta or you can donate the body to Malta university who will collect the body for medical research and  arrange a service for free ( costs for these services vary but taking the body back to the UK will cost in excess of €7,000).
Burial at sea has now been stopped.

Internment in Malta is done very quickly and within the first 24 hours you will have to provide the undertaker with lots of information, marriage certificates, birth certificates, passport, EID,  names and information on the deceased's parents etc.
It is a good idea to have all this information written down and kept in a place that you both  are aware of.
