Living expenses in Heidelberg!

Hallo everybody! :)

  Does anyone can give me an idea, how much cost of living in Heidelberg.. Thanks in advance!

Hi sweety pie! Welcome on Expat-blog! :)

Good luck and hope other members will be able to advice you.

Hello Ma'am Christine

Wow! thank you.


As a Heidelberg resident, I can tell you that Heidelberg living tends to be on the expensive side.  It's not Munich-expensive, but it's above average for Germany, IMO.  That said, this IS a university town, so there are relatively inexpensive apartments available, especially if you're willing to go tiny.

I'd recommend visiting if you want to get a feel for what's currently on offer in the area.

As for what things cost beyond housing (food, utilities, transit, etc.) I haven't noticed any difference between what things cost here and what things cost elsewhere.

Hope this helps.

Hello chrevbel, Thank you so much for that useful information.