Russian Blue cat found in Magawish

This morning I found a Russian Blue cat crying outside my doorsteps- area Magawish.

It is a Russian Blue male - dark grey velvet fur and emerald eyes - looks malnourished and very skinny.
As this is not a local cat, nor is common in Egypt, clearly, has either been abandoned or lost.

I'm appealing to the people who potentially lost/abandoned this poor being.

I'm feeding him at present, but I've already 5 cats myself, plus feeding other ferals.

I consistently find 'pedigree street cats', who have been left behind by foreigners 'returning home'.

These cats are not able to procure themselves food, and they are either eaten by wild dogs (did happen last week) or die of thirst and hunger.

Please do have some conscience.

Can you send me pictures please I have four is he a male or female