Living in Vietnam ,

they demand a expat have to sign in temporary stay in only with your blood relative to zone police station..if you want to rent a house they demand the owner have to have  rent license plus must equip fire extinguish and pay 18% tax.if the owner don't,they be fine 10.000.000 Vietnamese money.That why no one  want to .rent to expats,that too much problem to them.

WOW, another first post spreading manure. But people say we should be nice to them.

Just ignore the guy - too much 333.

Pay no attention to Jaitch. He's just an old man who lays in the hammock all day trying to feel important by responding to comments. Everything he says is either a guess, lie or something he just looked up on the internet. Just ignore him like everyone else does.

So list the things he said that are accurate - I can't see any.

And I don't have a hammock, even.