Hello There! My name is Olympia and I am interested in traveling to Ukraine to do business.  I am trying to locate a company there that sells Raw  Hair. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me locate the company. I Thanks a million! my email address is olympiatl@yahoo.com

Hi..there is no such thing as Russian hair or Ukrainian hair or Eurasian hair in this world Yes of course there are some pics over internet where some Russian girls are shown with their pony shaved off but few pics cannot fuel a business like this. Most of the Euro or Russian hair is actually bleached Remy virgin indian hair which is collected from the temples in India and sold worldwide. In India hair is donated in temples and from there starts the journey to the best heads of Hollywood or who else can afford. Do not buy when you see virgin hair being sold on ali baba as this  hair is the one that is collected as waste from combs and hair where roots and tips are mixed. The cuticles are shaved to avoid tangling by acid bath  but soon this hair will matt up as the silicone coating fades away .

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