Considering move to maltA

Hi folks, my name is Colin. I'm new to the forum.

Currently considering a move to Malta. This is a fairly new idea to be honest. I have never been there but from the admittedly limited research I have done it seems to be a very nice place.

I have a wife and a 2 year old.

From what I gather the cost of living is similar or a little cheaper then here in the uk.

My first hurdle is how do I go about getting a job?
I work in the construction industry, roughcasting and plastering.
I also have debt collection call centre experience and a probably outdated dimploma in graphic design. I am a guitarist/singer/songwriter in my spare time.

I don't believe roughcasting happens in Malta, and I read somewhere that plastering is relatively low paid there and seen as a low skill level.
I don't know if there is much call for any of my other skills.

I apologise for my sporadic thought process but any help/info would be greatly appreciated.


Colin Hi.

I would recommend you visit malta before you ask these questions as it isn't for everyone.


Thanks for your response J,
I am planing a trip in the next few months and all going well I think I would probably visit a few times next year and see how it goes.

I am just sceptical that in my line of work and my reasonably limited experience in other fields that I could find a job there.

Maybe time to learn a new skill !

Thanks again.

Finding workd here although not difficlut living on the lower wages could be.

We've moved here without ever visiting Malta and aren't disappointed at all, everything is great.
It's rather easy to find a job also without much of experience, the people and the place itself are nice, it's full of life and there's everything for people of all ages!