English university in Germany

Which university in Germany has the English medium study pattern ?
Tell me the names.

You have posted similar questions several times before, and received good answers, incl. a link to a website listing all German universities and their courses.
It seems you are unwilling or unable to search for information yourself and want to be spoon-fed everything in the right size.
Unfortunately that is not how the world works - an with such an attitude you will fail abroad. Thus please re-consider your wish to study in Germany!

For the benefit of other readers with similar plans, I repeat what I told the above poster before:
Many German universities offer courses in English as a teaching language nowadays.
These are not free of charge or cheap, as many German-language courses are.
You can find them by listings of universities and courses they offer.
It is still desirable to know German language, as it helps in daily life.
(There is no university in Germany operating entirely in English.)

@ cpuvirous > Like beppi said, please refrain from posting similar questions here on the forum. As the other members have already replied to your questions before, i am therefore closing this thread.

Thank you beppi for your help and for posting once again this information!  :thanks:


(Topic closed )
