Soccer in beijing?

hey guys!

do any of you guys play soccer on weekends in beijing?

Not sure of the details but check with the manager of "Paddy's" he either organises it or knows who does, they play out near Lido i think

paddy's??? is that a irish pub? i still havent move to beijing yet.

yeh mate, on Dongzhemen opposite the Australian embassy

I personally don't play but there is a soccer league. The various teams meet and play regularly. The team einswald is referring to is called the Beijing Celtics and the full name for Paddy's is Paddy o'Shea's

thanks guys. i m looking forward to move to beijing next week. any of you guys down for couple beer?

Hey Mizhu87, I just arrived in Beijing this week, so we're in a similar position...  I'd definitely be up for a few beers.

Let me know when once you arrive and we can try to arrange something.

- Brandon

Yeh maybe, depends when, let me know


Our organisation (ClubFootball) runs 5-a-side leagues midweek at Chaoyang Park and Side Park (near Lido).

Matches are played Tue, Wed and Thur evenings, and we have 72 teams currently playing in 9 divisions so everyone can find their level.

Info on this current season is at:

If you'd like to play, first step is to get you (or your team) along for a friendly game so we can see which division would suits you best.

Please drop me an Email by clicking Contact ClubFootball in the left-hand toolbar of our site, or call 5130 6893/4/5/6 and I can give you more info.

