License to ride a bicycle?


I'm an American living in Poland and I have an American driving license, but no Polish driving license. I was wondering if I need some kind of documents to ride a bicycle in and around the city. Thank you.

I ride around warsaw all the time, no docs for me

You don't need documents to ride a bike. That being said if they catch you drunk riding a bike, they can take away your drivers.

Ok. Thank you for the information. I'll ride more confident now.

Take away my American License?! Oh noooo!!! Lol
Just kidding. I wouldn't drink and ride.

Hi, you do not need any license to ride a bicycle around Poland.

Thank you for the information.

As far as i know if you are adult, you do not need any driving licence for bike :)

Thanks for the information. I appreciate it.

Hahaha :D I've just realised that you have double or triple confirmation of not needing drivig licence for bike :D You see? :D Now you know everything :D

Three times as good!