Vaccinations Required??


I just visited the website you suggested regarding SECURITY ISSUES (something you suggested on the Posting entitled "Scottish Oil Worker Killed in Rio," and when I visited that page it actually brought another previously unexamined point to my mind, BEING, are any VACCINATIONS REQUIRED to go to Brazil??

That page gives no information. It only says "Vaccinations required*" but I tried clicking on it and it didn't take me anywhere and I also can't tell what or where the asterisk is referring to.


Actually no vaccinations are required for Brazil. However, it is recommended that if you are going to travel to rural areas in São Paulo State, Minas Gerais and the North East and North (Amazon) which are considerably hotter that you get vaccinated for Yellow Fever. That should be done at least a week or two before travel so it takes effect. Once vaccinated you're protected for 10 years.

If you are going to be in areas where malaria could be a concern then you could also consider beginning a regime of anti-malarial oral medication such as Doxycycline 100 mg. once daily, starting one or two days before travel, continued daily during travel and for 4 weeks following returning home. It is not an inconvenient regime as it only requires a daily dose and certainly prevention is much better than trying to deal with a case of malaria once you've contracted it. See the following for information regarding indications, contraindications and precautions:

One should make sure that their normal vaccinations are up-to-date, especially DPT and take a booster shot if required.

The only other thing you really need to know is that you should always use a strong insect repellent such as OFF Deepwoods everywhere in Brazil since there are mosquito borne diseases almost everywhere in Brazil to a greater or lesser degree. Yellow Fever, Dengue and Malaria. Also repellents are about the only protection available for Chagas Disease since there is presently no vaccine or cure for this insect borne disease.

Actually, if you look at the very bottom of the page about Security you'll see a button "Health", that gives the recommendations for vaccinations too.

Willliam James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team

I got them specifically for Brazil because the consulate website says you need them - big surprise, I was never asked at the POE and was never asked by anyone in Brazil.

Regardless if they are required, I highly suggest getting them. Better safe than sorry.

Thanks, William and Matt (my Dream Team)!

I have two more question though:

Would you consider Fortaleza one of those areas prone to Yellow Fever? I think so, as you (William) mentioned that extra hot locales are more prone, as well as the "Northeast", just not sure if you (William) meant Northeast AMAZON area or Northeast BRAZIL--and, though, as Matt said, just to be safe, I should really get them anyway--but I just want to be sure.

Also, how long does the effectiveness of Yellow Fever vaccinations last? Do either of you know?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Dalia,

Meant Northeast of Brazil, so yes Fortaleza is included. The Yellow Fever vaccination is good for 10 years. You should also get the Anti-rabies vaccine too, lots of loose dogs everywhere in Brazil.


OK, thanks, William.