Where I will find recruitment agency for seeking job in Europe

Hi there I'm Chelle 28 years old,single I just want to ask if how can I contact any recruitment agency in Europe because I want to experience working in a country of Europe...I have been working here in UAE for 4 years anyone can advice me thank you

Hello Chelle,

Welcome to Expat.com.

As you have specified that you are looking for work in Europe, your post was moved on the living in Europe forum for better visibility.

For better guidance, it would be best if you could tell us in which country of Europe you would like to work.

Why this choice? Have you ever had the opportunity to travel in Europe?

Have a nice day,

Expat.com Team

Searching the web could be of great help when looking for a recruitment agency. It would be good to know where in Europe one wants to work, then Google for agencies there...