Chickens for sale anywhere?

Hi does anyone know where I can get some live chickens from? I have tried San Ignacio market this morning bright and early and they had already sold out! I'm in Cayo and have transport so picking some up wouldn't be a problem. I was thinking of trying Spanish Lookout but I'd prefer local type chickens to be honest.

Any info would be appreciated, thanks! :)

Hello and welcome on,
Hope you find your chickens quicly! :)

Hi Arlette, How's the weather where you are today.

Louise, come to Santa Familia, lots of families have loads of chickena and would surely sell you some. Try already in the area of San Jorge (just before Santa Familia).

Hi JungleJane
don't tell all the "little secrets".
I also want to have some chicken when I come :P

You know... I need at least 4 hardworking laying hens ;)