Product availability

Hello all
I will be visiting Costa Rica this summer and my daughter will be moving there.  I was wondering about some American products that I don't want to live without during my visit.  Just wondering if anyone knows whether or not regular Mountain Dew or Ranch dressing is sold anywhere. We will be living in the Samara area but will be flying into San Jose.  Also plan on doing a lot of sightseeing.   I know this is a silly and simple question but nonetheless - wondering.  Thanks.

Ranch dressing is available, in most places, but not Mountain Dew. There is not much of a selection in soft drinks, here.

Go to one of the many WalMart stores, but try not to drive anywhere in San Jose.  Take cabs. Adjust your supplies by making your own Ranch dressing.  As to Mountain Dew, good luck with that, but you can make your own with sparkling water and fruit juices. Mercados have lots of choices, and I found plenty of packaged Ranch in a small store in San Gerardo de Rivas.  Bottom line: It isn't America.  We deal with adjustments when we choose to escape the States.

Thank you for the reply.  It is true that we must do without some things when we travel.  We, Americans, are spoiled with all that is available to us.  I am sure that I will be fine.   Maybe I will come back thinner since I won't have the sugary drink :)

Thank you for your reply. Maybe a month with no Mountain Dew will help me "kick" the habit :)