I am hoping for some help!  My family are considering moving to Malta, but first I need some info on schools!  My eldest is due to start secondary education after the summer, my youngest is still at nursery.  I have read some of the previous posts regarding whether in the state schools lessons are taught in english or maltese.  However I am still confused regarding this.   I would be very grateful if anyone could give me the correct information regarding this as it is the one stumbling block to us moving abroad.  Thank you for your help


As I understand it, State Schools teach in Maltese by default, but if there is even one child in the class who speaks English but not Maltese they will teach the class in English. My info comes from a couple of sources including Mari who posts on this board - she has direct experience so she can elaborate if she reads this and chooses to.

If still in doubt, my advice would be to contact someone in  the State School system.

Hope that helps.