Cost of living in Stuttgart

Hi I am a new comer to this page. My company is deputing me to stuttgart late this year (wrong time). I am from India and I will be moving with my wife and 2 year old kid.

What will be the living cost and a salary that i can negotiate. I am a technical consultant in a new manufacturing technology and have eleven years experience. I am a mechanical engineer.

For cost of living

You should have posted this in the Germany (or more specifically Stuttgart) forum.
Your cost of living will largely depend on your lifestyle and choices of what to spend on. Most things are vastly more expensive in Germany than India.
As a general rule, €600/month per person is probably the minimum.
Depending on where and how you live, rent alone can be more than that.
Ethnic food (e.g. Indian) is difficult to find and expensive - so how much can you adopt the local culinary culture?
Public child care and schooling is cheap, but not available in English and waiting lists might be long. International (English speaking) options are expensive.
Labour is expensive, and household help (which you probably have in India) uncommon.
Your salary will depend on what you are worth to the company and why they send you abroad (plus your negotiation skills).
Last but not least, taxes and other compulsory deductions (health insurance, social security) will take a big part of your salary (40-50%).
Tell us more details about the above topics and I can probably advise you more. (I am currently living in Stuttgart.)

I knew an Indian in Stuttgart working for a big engineering conglomerate and earning €10000/month. He was able to save and sent lots of money to his family back in India.
Another one, working for the same company and probably earning similar, rents a huge apartment for his wife and two kids, has a big car and sends kids to international school and kindergarten. His wife started part-time work now, so they can afford their lifestyle.

beppi wrote:

You should have posted this in the Germany (or more specifically Stuttgart) forum.


Hi sentu6,

Welcome to Expat-Blog :)

Please note that your post is now on the Stuttgard Forum :)

Thank you

Expat-blog Team

Thank you for the fast reply.

let me explain bit more in detail

Lifestyle - i want to use public transport for atleast three months and then may opt for a pre owned car. Not so lavish life style. not planning to hire any house maid as such

Food - would like to try the local one. not so much fussy about having ethnic food.

i believe kids have good absorbing power and they will learn. hence, i will start with the local public school itself.

Company is sending me to assist our customers in the new technology. I think the normal pay would be US $5000 equivalent per month. But again this is a comparison with my US colleagues. I am sure there is a difference in the tax system. Hence i am in a fix. negotiation may happen next week.

Thanks Maximilien . I didnt notice. New comer mistake.:)

Thanks Stumpy. this gives a broad picture.

beppi wrote:

I knew an Indian in Stuttgart working for a big engineering conglomerate and earning €10000/month. He was able to save and sent lots of money to his family back in India.
Another one, working for the same company and probably earning similar, rents a huge apartment for his wife and two kids, has a big car and sends kids to international school and kindergarten. His wife started part-time work now, so they can afford their lifestyle.

Beppi, I am sure i wont get paid that much. I would be happy if i get half of that. I think the realistic picture is around 4,000 Euro. I have to yet get the details if this is gross or net. Let me wait and see

€4000/month is underpaid for a Mech. Eng. with 11 years experience in Germany. You should get €5000-6000 (before tax and deductions, not including additional perks for the relocation), which translates to €2900-3500 in your pocket (after deductions).
You'll have to rent an apartment (€800-1000 plus €200 for utilities), send kid to a local childcare centre (€300, or double that if not subsidised - waiting lists are long, so register now if at all possible!) and pay for food and other daily expenses (€500-600 per person, as mentioned above).
Having a car costs €100-200/month (not including petrol and depreciation), a monthly pass for public transport €70-200 (depending on distance), a household helper €15/hour (better do it yourself!). Then you might want to keep some money to travel home once a year, or explore Europe in your free time (4 weeks annual leave is the legal minimum, but 6 weeks is more common here).
Please feel free to ask any additional questions - I am happy to help.

Edited to add: Negotiate for your company to include (German speaking) relocation assistance and tax consultancy service in the package - you won't be able to manage the formalities and paperwork without!

Thanks Beppy. the info is really helpful. I guess next week i will get the contract framework and things will be more clear. Our company had hired the services of a firm specialised in relocation to assist me.

I have my colleague living in Stuttgart and he will assist me in finding a place to live.

For the schooling i intend to send my kid after a year as he just completed his second b'day.

Just couple more queries -

i dont want to live in the center - obviously due to expenses. what would be the average cost for apartment in Vaihingen, Rohr and sorrounding areas?

What could be the expense for schooling if i send my kid to a German public school

Thanks in advance.

Apartments cost roughly the same in the area you mentioned as in the city, because they are popular with people shunning the crowded centre.
Public schools (primary/secondary) are free and a space is assured.
Public kindergartens cost €200-300/month (if you qualify for subsidies, which is likely, otherwise double that) and many have long waiting lists, so register your child as soon as you arrive!

Thanks Beppi. I a mwaiting for the contract.

since the basic cost of living is covered, i am going to the next step:)

how much would a health club costs? i am googling few options outskirts of the city to live. May be i will come up with some locations. anyways suggestions would be great

I have no idea about health clubs, sorry!
If you want to save money on rent, you have to choose a location where commuting by public transport is impractical. But then you'd need a car every day.
I'd suggest that you come here and have a look at possible locations before you decide. A relocation agent would help you with that.
Also, most rental property is advertised 2 - 3 month before becoming vacant, so you'll need temporary accommodation for that period anyway (another thing to negotiate for with your company!).

Finally i am getting the contract. Looks like i will be getting around Euro 2900-3100 net after all deductions. i guess should be managable with tight budget. thanks all for the help and information


I agree with beppi!the cost of living in such a big city as Stuttgart is so high.I think later your wife may need a job for affort ýour family. Attention please not forget a family with a kid can not find easily a appartmant for rent so quickly.

I wish u good luck .



I wasnt so happy after the internet search but employer promised to revise the offer after few months. Bit scarred with the higher cost of living.