Dear group member

We are currently recruiting volunteers (above the age of 18) to take part in a research study that we are conducting at King's College London. The research has been fully approved by the Ethics Panel of the War Studies Group of King's College London (Reference: REP (WSG)/12/13-37)).

The study is exploring the preparedness and resilience to non-standard hazards in Europe. It forms a key part of a large international project that aims at developing and testing a toolbox to improve emergency response procedures to non-standard hazards across the EU.

In our study, we are particularly interested in learning about what members of the public think, how they act in response to non-standard hazards and emergency procedures used by police, fire-fighters and ambulance services. The information gathered as a result of this engagement can help us identify practices and procedures that can make emergency response more effective.

In what way would I get involved?
If you agree to take part, you will be led through an emergency response process in response to a mock incident. We will ask you to record your thoughts and feelings along the way, as well as to participate in a 90-minutes group discussion after the exercise. Please note that you will be asked to go through part of the process in a bathing suit alongside other participants. You are likely to get wet at this point in the process but health and safety measures have been put in place in order to ensure your safety. You will be able to dry off and be reunited with your possessions and clothing at the end of the process.  You will be provided with £45 in order to cover your expenses. You will still receive this sum if you begin the exercise but decide to opt out at any point during the process.

Where and when?
The exercise and focus groups will take place on August 15 2013 between 9:30 and 16:30hrs at the Birmingham International Convention Centre, Broad Street, B1 2EA, and Austin Court, 80 Cambridge St, B1 2NP, Birmingham, respectively. Please note that you will be asked to arrive an hour earlier to register and receive briefings.

Where can I find out more? How can I participate?
If you are interested, or have a question, please contact Dr Kristian Krieger (Research Associate) *** King's College London; Department of War Studies; Strand, UK-London WC2R 2LS *** email: kristian.1.krieger (at) kcl . ac . uk

Hello Kristian Krieger.

Welcome to! :)

Could you please post an advert in the Looking for section (Testimonies) in the Birmingham classifieds?

Thank you,