Trying to improve my Patience and Tolerance in China

Being from the USA and working in business and large companies, Patience and Tolerance or respect for differences are two things I did not do well in. I have tried very hard to improve these virtues since moving to China in 2006.

At times I think I do well, and then a Chinese Kamikaze driver nearly runs me over because I got in his way. The larger and more expensive the car is the worse the driving behavior is. Is this true arrogance, rude obnoxious driving behavior? I sometimes think so.

I tell myself, they were driving bikes 10-20 years ago and now cars. I tell myself, wait another 25 years( one generation) and it will improve.  I remember that in the USA in the 1880's, we were still "driving" horses. Then Henry Ford came along and the rest is history.

Tips for improving my behavior? I am welcome to suggestions to help improve my anti Chinese car driver attitude.

John,a Tiger in Chengdu ;)

I have yet to experience this because we're moving to China on 3/1... but I do know the feeling and fully expect to have frustrating days such as the one you described above.

The only thin that works for me when I feel that way is to try to forget what everyone says about "living in the moment" and rather try to put myself in the "grand scheme of thing" frame of mind. 

Don't get me wrong... living in the moment is one of life's greatest gifts - but life's a mess and not every moment is a cherished one.  During those times I try to think big picture and consider how lucky I am for whatever reason (i.e. for you, the blessing of having the experience to get frustrated by Chinese drivers as so many of your fellow American's will never step foot along those streets).

When your experience is done and you're reflecting on your good and bad times in China you'll be even more grateful because you'll be happy to leave it behind! 

When that doesn't work just throw around a few choice curse words and employ the middle finger!