Hope to connect to someone who has ideas for small online projects!

Hi all,

I'm Dzung(Male 27 years old) and I live in Hanoi. I have a few years' experiences working as a software engineer/web developer.

Recently, I am quite free, so I hope to connect to someone who has ideas for small online projects around $2000 as start-up but I am open to other changes too.

Feel free to give me a Hi here: [email protected]


Hi Dung
welcome to Blog.... keep active here, you may get a chance for your expactaion.
wish you all the best

@dzung.technologies: Have a feeling Ha Noi is not the optimum place to be for high technology. What type of technology are you looking at?

SaiGon/TP HCM rocks.

Ha Noi does have a few PCB manufacturing companies but HCM has more PLUS it has over 14 component distributors (where else in VN can you get a 50mW laser off the shelf?) and even PCB assembly plants.

We also Chipzilla here (Intel) and numerous other supporting industries.

The software skill centres are here, too.

AND it's warmer than Ha Noi and people here smile.

what is the project about