Traineeship dubai

Helloooo dear peopleee!!

In november I have to get an traineeship in Dubai for two months. It dont matter what kind of company. Even voluntarywork is oke!

Could somebody help me finding a traineeship over there please? Any advice is welcome!

Thanks in advancee!!


hi dear,

It will be my pleasure to help you

this is my BB pin code: 28F1F1150

Your bb pincode doesnt work

Hello Sarah.

Welcome to! :)

You should post an advert in the Jobs in Dubai section. It can help.

Good luck in your research.


Hello paradise845 and welcome to!

Can you please introduce yourself?

Thank you,

mercii aurelii

There are many places where you can look for working as a unpaid trainee - well if you got paid that is a bonus.  Newspapers, magazines, supermarkets, exhibitions, etc are all full of opportunities.  Depends on your background and interests.