Retiring to live in Mauritius.

Hi All,
Myself and my Wife want to leave Ireland and retire in Mauritius.  We are looking for advice on how to leave Ireland on one way Airline Tickets and gain a Temporary Residency Permit for the first year.  We have visited Mauritius twice and we love it.  We know we require the equivalent of $40,000 per year, Police Clearance and a Medical Exam carried out in Mauritius.  The bit we are having difficulty with is do we apply for Temporary Residency Permits before we leave Ireland or can we apply while on Mauritian soil ?  Any advice you can give would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.


HI the best is to get in touch with mauritian embassy in london what is the best way .
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  Thank all the best.

I suggest you take adivse of some relocation agents in Mauritius. You can refer to the directory.
