Pregnancy in Madrid


could you please share advice and tips about pregnancy in Madrid?

Who are the best gynecologists for pregnancy follow-ups?

Which hospitals or clinics would you recommend to give birth in Madrid?

Thanks a lot in advance for your advice !


Hello,  I am a father of two children and both were born the Gregorio Marañon hospital. I'm Spanish and a lot of family is an American citizen. Personally I recommend the Gregorio Marañon  in case you have health insurance card (I think you can ask if your son or daughter will be born in Spain) I recommend the private BelenŽs Clinic.
Greetings and congratulations

Thanks for your contribution tigerclem!;)


I also have two children who were born here in Madrid.  We went through a private clinic, San José, on Calle Cartagena.  I know of a very good gynecologist who speaks English.  If you are interested, let me know.

But I agree with tigerclem that the public health service is very good.  I was thinking of the Maternidad on O'Donnell.  Does that belong to Gregorio Marañón?