Hi! I'm new!!!

Hi there!

I just got back to Thailand!

First of all, very excited to find this site!

My name is Top and I'm originally from bangkok. I used to stay in the States and Japan. now, trying hard not to forget my japanese T_T

Speak Thai, english, japanese and chinese. like travel and hanging out with friends.

So lets meet up and hang out together sometimes !

Hi Mokomoko, Why you dont join us tonight to go out party? have a look at this post to know the plan for tonight :)https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … p=7#557457

Wow!! haha very sudden!!

unfortunately, I already have plan for tonight.
I'll see if I can go , if I cant then I'll see you at the next party ^^

Well you'be been posting in all the "looking for friends" posts so thought you didnt had any.
Besides that, you've got plenty of time to join us tonite, or just bring your friends too. :)

Haha did I? 
well, I will be hanging out with my Thai friends tonight and should finish quite late already. dont think that i will be able to attend second party.

so let me know next time! but thx!

@top: cool!! i'm in whatever plans you have!! just let me know!! :D

alright! I'll do that!