FRV with Belgian spouse

Hi! i wanna ask if there is anyone that got the FRV approved this year?

Can you also share your timeline of the process too?

For me:

I applied on 29th Jan

1st Feb: Embassy required to update husband's civil status (failed to do it)

6th May:  Application was forwarded to the IBZ

Now, I just need to wait for the answer 😊😊

    Hi! i wanna ask if there is anyone that got the FRV approved this year?
Can you also share your timeline of the process too?
For me:
I applied on 29th Jan
1st Feb: Embassy required to update husband's civil status (failed to do it)
6th May:  Application was forwarded to the IBZ
Now, I just need to wait for the answer 😊😊


my wife has been waiting for 2 months already (after files submitted to IBZ)


applied 1st February

Additional documents 15th February

Appeared on IBZ 21march

Visa approved 29th April


I think they wait until the deadline for this type of visa (6months since you submitted at VFS)

You will be reunite with each other soon 😊


Wow, thats quick


J'ai postulé le 10Janvier et le 23 Janvier complément de dossier plus interview.

23 Février enregistrement a IBZ , il est en traitement jusqu'à ce jour 😓.

Article 40ter.

C'est dommage de voir ce qui ont postulé après avoir des résultats


I haven't got the visa yet

But don't worry, I think they have a lot of applications to process at this moment.

And most of them will be solved right before the deadline they gave (6months wi Belgian spouse)

Hope you'll get great news soon!

I applied on 31st Jan

19th Feb: Phone interview

29th April: Visa Approved

My application was not forwarded to the IBZ.


Mine should have done earlier already, but they asked to do something impossible. So they just forwarded recently