Does anyone know? How can I deduct the cost of rent from the IRS?

I rent an apartment from the landlord, who issues me receipts every month on the website of the Tax and Customs Administration (AT autoridade tributária e aduaneira), and I can check these receipts issued to me on that website.  (

I know that as an IRS deduction, rental expenses are deductible, up to a maximum of €502 in 2023.

However, I can't find the rent I paid on the deductions, while the invoices for other deductions, such as: general household expenses (despesas gerais familiares ) health expenses (saúde) can be found.

What do I need to do to correct this error? Does anyone know?

It's not a error. You won't find the rent receipts in e-Fatura(*) and you're not supposed to enter these amounts manually either.

These amounts of rent paid by you will already be filled in in box 6C of Annex H of your IRS statement, according to the rent receipts issued by your landlord. … endas.aspx

(*) where you will find your general household expenses (despesas gerais familiares),  health expenses (saúde) , ...

Thank you so much for your replies, always so speedy and very professional.1f44d.svg