Background check on a Moroccan person


I have been dating a Moroccan man I met in Tangier for over a year.

I met his family, saw his business, met all of his friends, we visited each other every few months etc.

Here comes a thing, we want to relocate to end this long distance relationship, but he does not want to close his business down which means I need to financially support him on turning his business remote so that we can live in another country together.

I have heard of so many of the scam stories etc., although he does not seem like a scammer after we have been knowing each other for such a long time, I still want some reassurance ( not that I would be giving him money in anyway).

Is there any way to run a background check on him ?

Thank you all!!


hi,your absolutely correct,due diligence is a muxt..o am going to marry in a month or to and i think you should context the police to check his credibility via a criminal check ?

@Judojudojudo   it seems like his business takes precedence over your relationship, it's important to address this imbalance. Healthy relationships require mutual attention and effort. Have an honest conversation with him about your feelings and the importance of balancing personal and professional priorities.

and watch Scammers can be skilled at creating false personas and manipulating emotions. While physical appearance may not be a reliable indicator of someone's intentions, paying attention to their behavior and actions is key. Trust is earned over time through consistent and respectful behavior. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to seek support or advice if something feels off, try to mention him that you won`t be able to support financially  and the result will be loud & clear

@islamkash hi thanks for your reply! How would I be able to do that?

@Heart Collector many thanks for your kind response. That is very well said.


ask him that you have learned that getting married in morocco mix marriages that Have lots off requirements and would he be able to provide the documents  for the adoul (official court marriage office) and has does he acknowledge what he must do to provide for the process..?

his reply might give you a indiction on his sincerity.

if not find a trusted person in morocoo whom can give his details to his local police to verify his credentials and explain your dilemma your in,

or just find a lawyer in morocco and have a consultation and you will get your answer as they can have background check on your partner to be.

@islamkash Police don't offer such a service and let's suppose they do but the guy is new in scam business ? There will b3 no record or trace of his ------