Direct Express Card.

Can anyone tell me if the card is reliable here

In the Philippines?

rlfletcher60 asked. . . . Can anyone tell me if the card is reliable here In the Philippines?


Having never heard of the Direct Express Card, I checked out their website. All the info looked

like Col Roto Rooter wrote the FAQ's page.

It seemed the card could be used here, the FAQ said foreign ATM withdrawals are $3 plus 3% and any surcharges by the ATM owner, also 3% charge for all retail purchases.

So using a BDO ATM and withdrawing $158.57 equivalent to P10,000, your charge would be $7.76, ($3+$4.76) and a poor exchange rate and a fee charged by BDO.

It seemed this debit card was designed for people that don't have a bank account.