About my hometown

This might be a self agrandizing piece, but here I go....

I had curbside issues with water floods during rainstorms.  Our curbside drainage was not large enough avoid water accumulation.   

By the way, I live in Santo Andre-SP  . https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_Andr%C3%A9_(S%C3%A3o_Paulo)

A year ago, I met a retiring Water & Sewage Comission retiring lifer, and over a few beers and gave me the Engineer at City Hall to get my problem looked at.    He was from the ranks of the once mighty SEMASA, now mostly bought by SABESP, in a undehanded deal by a Sao Paulo's former and maligned governor, Joao Doria. 

SEMASA used to handle Water, Sewer and Trash Collection. Now trash collection and that's about it. 

Any ways , the Engineer, as a she, dimissed any solution. I live in an elevated point, so it's not an issue on living in lowlands, just poorly engineered water galeries.   My land plot is severly downsloped as other lots on my side, and the water show flow through under our lots , passing a condo high rise, and then flowing out back to a larger pipeline.; 

I posed a youtube video on the problem, and I had lost any faith in having the problem solved ever.  So I had order new gates and iron fences with a bottom to block water from cascading into my basement, which during severe storms run into my basement.

Low and behold, it's Sunday, scorching hot, and city workers are digging a trench to the lab next to my door, and siticking a large pipe to connect the missing link.  Hopefully solving the huge water accumulation at my curbside due to severe summer rain storms. 

So far, it's par for the course.. Police response over a burglar in another of my properties was prompt and under 10 minutes, this Sunday repair, Public Health is as good as it can get ( not perfect but decent ).

Aside from a Parking Ticket I went to dispute, I could not ask for any better.

And the idiots who use the light post in front of my house to plaster real estate flags, which I customarily rip them out.

Looking at what happened in Maceio-AL ( A public company, Braskem, mining salt inside a densely coastal metropolitan area, I am thankful, at the very least that things are not perfect by my Borough, but they are above average.