Apple Products

Hi All,

Does any know if I can ship an Apple Desktop and ipad to Punta Cana from the US?  I want to buy it from Bet Buy and send it to my new condo in Cap Cana. I would also like to buy other household items and have them shipped. Is this possible? I hear conflicting information

You'll be taxed on anything over $200. I had a similar conversation with the shipping company I use (T-Pack) regarding Apple and a warranty replacement....wasn't even a new still applies.

Using a mail forwarder account you can purchase online with shipping costs about US $5 per pound. Anything in volume or over US 200 will pay both duty and sales tax!  It can and will add up so shop carefully.

In addition almost all guarantees are voided when shipped in.

Wow! Thanks for the info. It seems like it isn't worth shi[[ing anything of any real value. Are apple products avaialble in the country? Authorized sellrs?

Apple doesn't have a presence here. "Authorized" sales partners (I'd take that with a grain of salt): … n+Republic

At least with phones, seems to lag a bit. I just got a message recently from my DR carrier that the iPhone 15 was going to be available couple of months behind the US.

If you're looking for recent releases on hardware I wouldn't expect to find many options. And if you can find recent, it won't be cheap. Best bet, ridiculous as it may sound, is to just go back to the US and get new if you need it.

Actually they do have an authorized store here. You will find them in Agora Mall. Yes the price will be much higher than if you buy in USA and bring it here personally.

Why don't you carry those with you when you travel to Cap Cana. Bring the iPad in your carry on and if the PC is small enough to wrap up and check, put it in a checked in suitcase. A lot of people do that. Take it out of the original box and bring it with you. You'll save money.

I agree , put it in your carry on ,or if it fits your personal carry -on your allowed 2 bag on the plane   ( “ no weight limt on JetBl  ”) w/yer and this way u know its not getting bounce around , they usually only check the checked in luggage  … just make sure there's no price stickers on it ,