Studying in Thailand

Hi, I'm penny and I wanted to know if can do like two or three (first) years of study ( in architecture) and come back in France to do a master? Or if it's better of I do my first years of studying in France and I go for like one year of exchange in master in Thailand. I really want to live/study there but you can't get a degree in architecture In Thailand, and except if you're married work there so I don't know what to do...

@penelope mboumba

In my humble opinion, id suggest that you finish first 2-3 years in France then do a year study abroad type thing.    Thailand is not exactly known as hub for education.  They seem ti work long hours but what they accomplish? i have no idea.  They are not result driven or goal oriented.  college graduates are still very reliant,  dependent and immature and behave like a child for their age by western standards especially if you are or want to be high functioning.   it is a good place to party, not do much and retire and spend foreign earned money not a good place to be goal focused career oriented. i am generazing with wide brush but thats what i see. Not trying to talk down or mean.  job pay are VERY LOW.

    Hi, I'm penny and I wanted to know if can do like two or three (first) years of study ( in architecture) and come back in France to do a master? Or if it's better of I do my first years of studying in France and I go for like one year of exchange in master in Thailand. I really want to live/study there but you can't get a degree in architecture In Thailand, and except if you're married work there so I don't know what to do...

    -@penelope mboumba

Study architecture in Thailand and then do a master in France is not possible. Thai degrees are not compatible in most western countries, especially in the EU. On top of that,the Thai education system is basically a joke and can't be compared to education systems in for example the EU. If your goal is an ED-visa to be able to stay in Thailand,then study something simple.

@Leeds forever!

you're more succinct than me as always but FACTS!

    @Leeds forever!
you're more succinct than me as always but FACTS!


What I said about degrees and the education system in Thailand were facts. Period.

Many, expensive/bilingual, some more affordable, Universities have International Baccalaureate degrees, UK, Canada, Aussie, and even French at the Lycee

Masters here are graded in the local type (College level) and some at international schools

You need to do some research on IF the education you want is availabele here, in French, and I doubt that

Hello everyone,

Please note that some off-topic posts have been put aside from this thread.




davecndn is continuing to use offensive expressions also towards me.

I received an e-mail from the system but cannot fully open it and can read only the beginning in which he is calling me:

"... *****..."

I think this guy should be radiate from this forum but also filed to police, considering that he feels so powerfull like the Thai Minister of interiors.

Thank you

Best regards


See my  above message please

@Maxi Mari

This guy is a rookie in Thailand and doesn't have a clue about anything,

but he keeps answering posts despite not understanding the topic.


Please remove this davecndn from the forum. His comments

are vile, childish and disgusting


Hello, this member is already permanently banned...




Thank you! I don't think there is any room for

someone that can't have a civil adult conversation

on here


Hi I can study in English that's not the problem, I just really wanted to study there but I just learn that I can't get a degree there cause I'm not Thai, I will probably do one year abroad in my 3/4 years... Thanks for your answer

Hi I can study in English that's not the problem, I just really wanted to study there but I just learn that I can't get a degree there cause I'm not Thai, I will probably do one year abroad in my 3/4 years... Thanks for your answer

    -@penelope mboumba

Who says you can't get a degree in Thailand as a foreigner? It depends on what you study,but several educations are not compatible with the equivalent education in for example the EU. It means a degree might not even be recognized.