Applying for a D7 visa in Ankara, Turkey


Has anybody applied in Ankara for D7 or D8 visa?  They are not responding. Please, share your experience.

Kind Regards,

@salski  It took me 6 months to recieve my D7 visa after applying. I just returned from the states with my officail visa and now have to make an appointment with SEF for the residency card.


Try filling in this form from the PT embassy in Ankara:

https://ancara.embaixadaportugal.mne.go … complaints


Thanks a lot, hope they will respond soon. Did you have the same problem?


Thanks for reply. The US citizen case are different from Georgian citizens. We have to apply in Ankara

They dont respond. It is impossible to contact them :(

They probably only open slots once a month. Keep an eye out.

@JohnnyPT They dont show the slots. Only way to contact them is email and they must respond. But....