Murphy Bed


Does anyone know where I can purchase a murphy bed in the DR?  Preferably someplace in the north coast area.  I am trying to maximize the use of a small studio apartment space.


    i've looked but cant find one , let me know if you do…l'm on the north   coast also . i was also looking for one of those hidden doors with the shelving

I have never seen one here but I expect a good ebanista (wood worker) could create one!

I bought & brought the hardware for horizintal & vertical queen murphy beds from Canada  as I couldn't find such here around Moca. I searched all over & asked my Dominican family here & still had no luck. You would think that some retailer, especially in SD or Santiago, maybe even IKEA, would carry. I never checked IKEA in either Santiago or SD (Santiago IKEA is very limited as to products they carry but SD is like any IKEA in North America that I've been through) Good luck.

how did the Hardware for the bed work out for yer, was anyone able to make the bed for you? , I asked IKEA in NY if i could order it there in the states and pick up here and they said no ..

they said everyone is indepent  and that why you have a lot of different items at different stores…

I'm still in the process of building our house so I haven't got to the stage of building the Murphy beds but I will be doing myself.

Good luck w/ the house, if you remember ( if ) try to give  us ( me ) an update on the difficulty of building it , even though i' probably hire someone to build it for me but at least i would know it's doable……👍

I had one built by a local cabinet maker in Sosua. I ordered the hardware from Amazon and had it shipped to DR. The pivot point of the bed has a lot of stress in that area so you must have that area built to take the looad.

@StanR   - Murphy Bed…

    hi Stan ,, when you bought the hardware on  Amazon did it come with the build sheets or did you have to download them off the official site…

The hardware will come with instructions on how to incorporate into your design, but does not come with the design of the muurphy bed, if that is what you are refering to.