I have the EP but no IPA yet


My EP has been approved, but I'm still waiting for the IPA.

Can I enter Singapore with a travel visa then later change the visa once my IPA is issued in Singapore?

I heard it is possible, but I couldn't find any information regarding this case. Could anyone let me know how to transfer visa status to EP with IPA? 🙏

I just want to enter Singapore before the rental season for students/professionals gets started and too competitive😅

Thank you🤞

In general, if your online application status shows approved then in few days you should get your IPA letter through your employer. You may reach out your employer.

On entry part, yes you can enter on a social visit visa while waiting IPA letter.

But the better approach is wait for your IPA then come with IPA letter closer to joining date.

Contact your employer - I guess your IPA might already be there.

(It isn't actually a letter, but an electronic document. And you also don't need to bring it along when you enter, since it's available in the immigration officer's system at the click of a mouse.)

Have you tried to check it on line?https://www.mom.gov.sg/passes-and-permits/work-permit-for-foreign-worker/sector-specific-rules/in-principle-approval

@rickyfai2000 Thank you, and this is the exactly the same page that I checked my EP status. It says that my EP is approved and go check my IPA. I should wait for the HR team for more details.

@surya2k Thank you! I need to talk to the HR rather than just getting a flight. It might be less headache 😅

@beppi Thank you for new info! Didn't know that I don't need to bring the IPA with me when entering Singapore. There are many different advices online on this though 🤔 I will talk to the HR team in more details :)

You can bring soft copy of your IPA letter, nothing wrong in that. its slways wise carry your documents rather depending on ICA system record.

If they dont ask then dont show but if they ask then keep your documents ready.