South African looking for friends in Mauritius

Hi everyone

hubby and i are in our mid 30's and will be relocating to Mauritius end of next year for the latest.

I have successfully applied for my Mauritian citizenship through descent and happy to confirm i hold dual citizenship. (If anyone needs assistance with their application, I'm more than happy to help).

Hubby is a Senior Architectural Technologist and I'm a Fraud Detection Analyst. We will both be job hunting from next year so if you know anyone or any recruitment agencies, please do let me know.

We are hoping to make some South African and Mauritian friends on the island.

We not sure where about we'll be living but will be visiting next year May and will have a look around.

I do hope to hear from you soon.

Hi there, feel free to reach out on *** and visit the website ***

Moderated by Cheryl 8 months ago
Reason : External link + Contact details
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@joburg-gal Thank you, will do.

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