Adapting to the pace of life in Spain

Hello everyone,

When you move to Spain, you may find that the pace of life is different from what you're used to. Shop opening times, working hours, sleep cycles and variations in sunlight can all have an effect on your life in Spain as an expat and require time to adapt. This transition can be a source of surprises, adjustments and sometimes even frustration for those trying to find their balance in this new environment.

Here are a few questions to help you better understand how you manage your days in Spain :

How have you managed to harmonise your own pace of life with the pace of life in Spain?

Have you felt a change in your biological rhythm (diet, sleep, energy, etc.)? How can you minimise the effects on your well-being and adapt to changes in your circadian rhythm?

How have you adjusted your sleeping habits to optimise your energy and concentration in a different environment?

Shopping, meal and activity times can differ from one culture to another. How do you manage to reconcile your personal habits with those of life in Spain? What are the benefits and challenges of these adjustments?

How do different working hours affect your productivity and quality of life? What have you done to maintain a work-life balance despite these changes?

Please feel free to share your experiences and advice on this topic.
Thank you for your contribution.

Cheryl Team

The only thing I've altered is eating my main meal at lunch instead of in the evening.

I get up at 6am just as I did back in the UK, only now I let the chickens out, then hit the gym for weightlifting, have breakfast and start the day's activities by 9-9.30.  We have our main meal at 2pm, whether at home or out. Sod's way too short for sitting around on one's backside; that's the period of the day I swim, hike or cycle. Snack at 8-9pm and I'm in bed by 10-11pm.

@MitchMitchell Hello and welcome !

Thank you for the feedback.  Very wholesome I must say !

Appreciate the response

All the best


I have changed quiet a bit over the past year since living in Spain as a retiree.

I resisted changing my eating times for a long time. But in part due to living in Spain and in part due to wanting to lose weight, I've changed from eating a big breakfast to eating a very light one. Lunch is still my main meal. Lunch used to be at Noon but now is at 1 or 2 PM. And my evening meal is almost nothing but one or two tapas. With diet change and more exercise I've gone from a BMI of 30 to 22 in one year.

Shopping has changed significantly. I moved to a mid-sized town that has a mall and very vibrant downtown shopping area. I still found it hard to find the quality and selection I wanted. So I've shopped more online than I have in the past. Not having a car but relying on bus and taxi has also influenced this.

Sunday used to be a shopping day, especially food, but since most stores are closed on Sunday, it has became a bike or hike day. Or if it is raining, I'll curl up and watch a movie or read a book in Spanish to improve my language skills.

When I first arrived in Spain, I was getting up at 7 AM and now that is around 8:30 or 9. I used to go to bed at 11 PM and now that is midnight or 1 AM. As I live near a beach, I often go out for a walk at night which I never would have done in the dark in the US. I feel safe and the beach is quiet and peaceful with motion activated lights so I feel safe by myself.