Best route to LTVP+

Hi, we are a SC female, 39yo with Masters degree and UK citizen male, 33yo trained in automobile mechanics, together for 1y3m. We are both working full time in UK but I (SC) have just received a full time job offer in Singapore (>$5k). Thus we plan to move back to Singapore this month. From anyone's experience, is it better to apply for PMLA first, or get married first? Would it make a difference if we are married in the UK or SG? Also, what is the possibility of my partner (UK) to start his own business in SG that is outside of the mechanics industry (with reference to LoC application)?

You can check the PMLA assessment if you are able to apply then be noted that j first time application can take up to 6 months to see the result.

To marry first , Is always individual choice and any queries related to PMLA and marriage, please reach out the the PMLA site and get clarified.

A positive PMLA outcome is not an immigration pass, and does not constitute the approval of an LTVP. The prospective NR spouse should separately apply for an LTVP after marriage to be considered for long-term stay in Singapore.

To set up a business, a foreigner must have to deposit $50k then do the registration .

Thank you @surya2k for the information. We've read here in the forum that sometimes PMLA is rejected but LTVP is granted post-marriage, hence we asked the question.

We want to know about the business because on the website it does not specify if a LoC that allows NR to start a business must be within the industry that the NR is trained/ has work experience in. Has anyone had experience with this before?

An LoC to start a business will only be granted if there is a good chance of success (and contribution to the Singapore economy). It is not known to us which exact criteria are used for this, soyou'd have to try to find out whether you are eligible!

Thank you beppi. We will try to update after we've tried :)



We are in a similar situation to you guys and I was wondering if I could ask you a question about the PMLA if you submitted it.

The question is: considering you guys are both still in the UK, and I assume you haven't started your new SG job yet, what did you put down for current income?


Background: i'm Canadian (30) and gf is SG (30) both working and living in Canada.