Ep got rejected

Ep applied on 29.06.23

Document verification initiated 30.06.23

Verification cleared 06.07.23

Ep rejected :13.07.23

Don't know the reason for rejection ..which s not revealed by agent .. company adviced agent to go with appeal ..

We don't have any appeal tracking access as employee here.

Status as on date "invalid"..

Any suggestions please




any salary criteria?

is your university not listed in the mom list?

Your employer can appeal but provide the valid rationale why they need you for a specific role and your experience is unique which fit into company's long term growth.

Status will change from rejected to approval if your employer's appeal is accepted. Good luck

@krakeshsams  university is listed in mom list .

Salary is good at market level .

@surya2k thanks... in my case Ep applied by agency .... My Employer does not have Ep quota itseems.

@surya2k  applied by agency . So depending on them to appeal proper and make it possible.  Am waiting...

If your job is contractual to the employer then your agency needs to appeal but if your job is permanent in the company then agency might be hired to apply for your EP.

But, whoever applied your EP, can appeal with valid rationale. Good luck

@surya2k appel submitted . Lets hope for the best.   

Good luck. Share the outcome here so that other expats will get benefit.

@surya2k Sure will update upon receipt of
