Update on healthcare services in Kuwait

Hello, I'm visiting my husband in Kuwait on a 3 month visitor visa. I have a question about healthcare services here as I'm getting mixed messages, and I have heard there have been recent changes. My husband is not a Kuwaiti, but works for the Kuwaiti military and has insurance through his company.

Health care is expensive

Hello everyone,

Welcome on board Tammy F,

I have created a new thread on the Kuwait forum from your post so that members can guide you.

How can we help  > What information are you looking for ?

All the best


@Bhavna Thanks for your help. I have heard that without a residency I cannot use the hospitals except in the case of emergency. I just got a positive pregnancy test and would like to visit a Dr. to confirm everything is ok and make my plan when to head back to the US. Is this possible or will I be turned away?

Hi tammy, congratulations on the news, i'm sure you and your husband must be excited.

As you do not have a residency in Kuwait, and will be there on visit visa, you'll have to pay out-of-pocket. if your husband has insurance, it should cover you as his dependent, so he would pay the bills then reclaim it through his insurance.

there is no restriction on you using private hospitals, you can opt for government ones but the wait is long in terms of time.

@legacy we are excited. Thanks so much for your response.