Economic participation for Belgian citizenship


I am panning to apply for Belgian citizenship and I'm wondering how exactly are the 468 working days within the last 5 years calculated. The required  "individuele rekeningen" have a sum of working days per month, the exact days are not mentioned. So if I apply now, would my work days in May 2018 be counted or would the counting start with June 2018?

Thank you in advance.

Hello. In my opinion, they count 5 years exactly from the date you apply to 5 years backwards of the same date

Also, what i know and i have seen, your total number of working days in a year are mentioned on your compte individuel. Its really the first row on your document.

@ABS25 Correct

Pls can anyone educated me on this. As a self-employed trying to apply for my citizenship.. I'll list my details

  1. Got my Orange Card Oct 4th 2018, and F card Jan 17th, 2019
  2. Ive got A2 Language proficiency certificate
  3. I've got integration certificate
  4. I've been self-employed for 2yrs( that's 8 trimesters), and also 200 days as an employee prior to that

My question is; to file under self-employed, must I have been self -employed for the past 5 years too or the provision of just 6 trimesters proof of social contribution will suffice?

I ask cos these weird lady at the gemeente is misinterpreting the law in my opinion . she was saying that my I'd have to have been self-employed for the last 5yrs..smh..

kindly opine as you see fit. Thank you

NB: i am aware gemeente(s) policies differs, am juist stil confused

Pls can anyone educated me on this. As a self-employed trying to apply for my citizenship.. I'll list my details

Got my Orange Card Oct 4th 2018, and F card Jan 17th, 2019
Ive got A2 Language proficiency certificate
I've got integration certificate
I've been self-employed for 2yrs( that's 8 trimesters), and also 200 days as an employee prior to that

My question is; to file under self-employed, must I have been self -employed for the past 5 years too or the provision of just 6 trimesters proof of social contribution will suffice?

I ask cos these weird lady at the gemeente is misinterpreting the law in my opinion . she was saying that my I'd have to have been self-employed for the last 5yrs..smh..

kindly opine as you see fit. Thank you

NB: i am aware gemeente(s) policies differs, am juist stil confused

I think you justify all conditions to apply for belgian nationalite. You fulfil condition of social integration by integration and langue certificate. You fulfil economic participation by 8 trimesters whereas by law you need to have 6 trimesters in last 5 years.

You do not need un interrupted work of 5 years to apply for nationalite because you justify social integration by integration certificate and langue certificate. Just push the commune and apply.

@ABS25 thanks so much for your response and encouragment. After about 3 tries, perhaps by luck or whatnot, the specific lady that was opposing initially was not on seat and another woman accepted my application for declaration and i was able to submit all my documents with a proof of reception given to me on the spot. 🙌🏾

Now, fingers crossed for the next 4-5months for confirmation.

Thanks again