Driving licence test

HI: My husband is going to move to Ravels-BE on 3rd of June, and he will start his resident permit aplication as well. and he is planning to take driving licence test. is it possible to do so? as i read from forum, that to get resident permit will take around 2 months. this means he didnt have BE ID kaart yet, Anyone had the experience before?. My husband is from Nederland.

@Hanney Bustami He can take the DL test once he has his RP card with him.

@Rudra1985 how long he can get RP card? 2 months?

@Hanney Bustami there are no fixed time line for this might get early may take bit long. All depends on the work load with the administrations.

@Rudra1985 oo i see. for EU citizen, they ID kaart is issue by Brussel office or Municipal office?.

@Hanney Bustami Your husband is already a EU citizen right? So meaning he already has a Dutch Driving license?

@BMM996210 no.. He does not has DL. He is intend to get one in BE.