Hepatitis B Positive

Hello everyone,

I was came on visit at Bahrain. Got job here and converting my visa to employment. but my medical is unfit now due to the subject issue,

Doctors didn't suggesting me any medicine because its cells are available in my blood in dead condition. If there is any treatment available for that than please suggest me. or anyway then please guide me.

I shall be thankful to you..

Look, from a visa & Bahrain standpoint, your journey is over.  The only country in the GCC where you can work with Hepatitis B, is UAE.   From a medical standpoint, there is no way to remove the Hepatitis antibody from your blood.  You may be healthy but you will test positive for Hep B (i.e. you had the disease in the past) for life and that is what Bahrain and other GCC countries test for..........and base denials on.