Phytosanitary certification

Hello. I would like to bring my Tillandsia (air plants) when I move from Singapore to my country. I think I need phytosanitary certification from NParks. Do anyone know how to get it? I checked NParks homepage, but they explain about plants exporting for business. In my case, it's for personal use.

Thank you.

Why don't you call them and ask?

For such a specific topic, there may be nobody on this forum who can give an answer.

Thank you for your response.

Exactly. I have sent an email to NParks, and they gave me a reply, but the response was late and the information was not enough for me. I continue to contact them, but I want to know someone's story experiences at the same time.

Don't think this forum has an expert to share personal experiences around phytosanitary certs.