Devisma apartment in moabit and prenzlauer

Hi all

Planing to go to Berlin for 5 months. I am looking through all platforms for 2 adults apartment but i am so afraid of scams . I found Devisma apartments which has 3 buildings one in Moabit another in prenzlauer and the last one i think ot is in charlotte burg . I found out they are sub company of a real estate company called Solow .

Booking through their website wzs so easy without visa information without paying depositv. And they send email that paying on arrive . They will send contract to sign . Any reviews about it?

As long as you have a booking confirmation and did not pay anything in advance, you are quite safe.

I looked at the webpage and found no reason to mistrust them (but that, in itself, is of course not a sufficient indication). Their prices also seem reasonable.

Scammers would not do it this way!

But if you want to be absolutely sure, ask a friend in Berlin to visit them and view the apartment you booked. I would anyway recommend anyone renting in Germany to view the place before making a decision!