Single Name on Passport

Are there still issues with NPRA rejecting visas for a single name passport?

Just wondering if it's possible to have an investor visa processed with only one name.


Yes still rejecting .

However not sure if you can get lucky if you will apply investor visa.

No brother, not possible, you can register and get approval and add as partners, this all can do it by single name, that's not issue, but after finished all in sijilat, when applied for visa, that's time they will reject brother.


Hello everyone,

@Abiyet Khan, can you please provide us with more details?


Cheryl team

@gunner757 single name in passport is not accepted. After applying for sijilat, when I tried for visa application it got rejected. This happened 3months ago

They will reject at the visa stage.

Can single name passport get visit visa?

Visit yes, work no.

@XTang and for dependent visa?

Any permanent visa through LMRA will have issues.

@XTang Thankyou so much