Is there any interest in a karate club in Black River? The nearest club is more than an hour away, so perhaps with enough interest in Black River, we can convince a Sensei to start a dojo here.

@aletb40 I'm based up in Grand Baie (FB grand baie dojo)... Happy to start up there if sufficient members.... Vince ***

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I would be interested :) which style?

good day, there is a running dojo in Black River at the Fitlife Gym. you can contact them on *****

Moderated by Mickael last year
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There is already a Dojo in Black River above FitLife Gym. Goju-Rye Karate classes in collaboration with FitLife are affiliated to IOGKF and SAGA with Sensei Deon. You can contact Sensei Deon or FitLife Gym