Travel outside EU during Residence Permit renewal

Hi all,

I have a query to ask and didn't know any place better than here at the moment. I came to Belgium with a single permit under a work contract with a company and received my residence permit which says on it that the expiration date is on 2025. However recently I changed my employer, which mean we terminated the contract with the company who invited me here and we will apply for a renewal of single permit with the new company. During this period I will not be working and decided I could use this time to visit my homeland which is a non-EU country. My worry is that would it cause any problem to me to travel during this period, as in terms of the residence permit card would be still valid or it's not from the moment I terminated the work contract.

Much appreciated to anyone who has any information and willing to answer.

Thank you.

@axlr0s3 How did it go in the end? I am in the relatively similar situation now

When your work contract has been terminated with employer, employer notifies the authorities.

After that date your residence card still valid aproximativly 90 days.

In that period municipality will  contact with you and your card will be asked unless if you don't have any other single permit from the new employee.

Once you have new single permit again municipality will invite you renew your card with new employee.

If this is your case you can use your card for travelling during this period 

On the other hand I have been told from  municipality that they doesn't inform frontier authorities.

@axlr0s3 how did it go for you in the end ? Could you travel and return normally ?