Setting up a MEI CNPJ

Can anyone give some assistance on setting up a MEI CNPJ or know if the website empreendedorportalmei .org is legit? Apparently setting up via the website requires sending them the password for the gov. br site which seems a bit fishy to me.

if you alluded to this one.... … preendedor

It is legit. 

You will need a few other steps beyond setting it up.

You will need to get your State ID, as well as register in your city.

And once in possession of a CNPJ, opening up a banking account. 

Also, you can find your local Branch of the SEBRAE

They can help you to go through the steps


thanks much appreciated. I was referring to the website They want the password to account. I'll probably check out Sebrae since I have one near by or try the section you linked.

I strongly suggest you provide ZERO info to empreendedorportalmei.**. any domain name that long usually means it is not legit + no legit site would require you provide a password for another site.... if you did, change your password on the source site.

... and if you provided your PW and you use the same PW on any other websites, change it there as well... you have just been Phished