Name issue on visa

My name on passport is" Muhammad Hassam Muhammad Habib Ur Rehman"

Name was on medical appointment: "Muhammad Hassam Muhammad Habib UrRehman "

No space between"Ur and Rehman"

Qvc staff advise me to skip Ur and wrote name as "Muhammad Hassam Muhammad Habib Rehman"

I went with new appointment and done my medical got my visa name on visa is " Muhammad Hassam Muhammad Habib Rehman" boarding staff on airport not allow me boarding pass they said to your visa name not matching name on your passport

There is Ur on passport, but there is no Ur on visa as i skipped Ur on QVC staff advise.

If anyone have solution kindly tell me


How you solved this problem.plz reply me

@hassam26666 how you solved this problem plz reply

I am very tense.Qvc advised me to reomve "ur" from my father name to maintain six words.please respond me



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