Assalam Alaikum Need your guidance

Hi everybody...ihave an address with me..i am trying to locate it on google earth...the address i wrote it 7 years ago...if anyone help me locate this on google map for me it will be a great help to me...i am quoting it as follow:

Route Soukra, Kalam 4, Nahaj Adad 667, adad 40, Safax, Tunisia.

I have only located routesoukra so far...

i will appreaciate your kindness.

hey !

It is Route Soukra  ( road Soukra ) Km 4, Rue ( Street ) 667, Maison num ( house number ) 40.

hope it helps !

see you are awesome...and shukran jazeel my i understand the address which i didn't before....Thanks a million  Aljan...