A new German in Riyadh!


Hello & welcome to Saudia and welcome to Expat.com.

It's good that you have introduced yourself, we are quite an active community here and hope that you make good friends.

Haben sie lust auf arabisch sprechen ;)
Ich lerne deutsch seit sechs monaten und mmmm.... just can't say that in Deutsch :P
Well I'll say it in english :) I'm searching for someone to exchange langauges...Kann Sie Deutsch :P

grammatical correction

Kann Sie Deutsch (wrong)

Können Sie deutsch ?

Kannst du deutsch ?

can you german?

@ AmiraAlmani - English Pls !!:)

Hello AmiraAlmani and kholio!

Can you both please write in english on this Anglophone forum so as to understand the reading? :)

Thank you,

@ Amira

Thanks alot....still a beginner and would like to make friends who can Deutsch ;)

this was only a grammatical correction

it's only mean can you german ...

Guten tag,

You are most welcome, we can cumminicate at yahoo  kandeel_76