Recommanded places to live in Curitiba with 2 young children

how do expat live in Curitiba ?
I have seen huge buildings with 40 floors ... little bit frightning.
are there any other place to live : huoses, small buildings, condominiums ?

Hi, I can't inform you on where expat live in Curitiba, but maybe I can offer you some help in finding a good neighborhood in Curitiba.
Fortunately for you, you are one of the very few foreingners who actually chose a decent city to live in Brazil.
You can find many good houses in Curitiba at the "bairros".
Would you like to rent or purchase?
There is a very good website for finding houses in Curitiba, which is
Can you speak portuguese already? If not, It's probably better to find a brazilian to help you with that, specially because some real state agents will charge you more just because you are a foreigner.

I live in Londrina but since my brother lives in Curitiba I go there every month or so. If you need any help adjusting, please just contact me, I'd be glad to help.